Welcome aboard the brand new official home of the Ironmen of Poker! You may remember the Ironmen as the poker degenerates who invade Las Vegas every spring for an extended weekend of poker fun, focused on tilting each other and random strangers, wearing hideous clothes, engaging in outlandish prop bets, and mostly trying to make sure that hilarity ensues.
Pardon us as we get settled and do a little remodeling. In a few days, this Poker Death Star will become fully operational, and you will see posts from random Ironmen as they recount the latest hilarity from wherever the fork in their poker road has taken them (you try mixing George Lucas and Robert Frost!). Also, past trip reports, currently hosted by our good friends at All Vegas Poker, will eventually be linked to here as well (no fears AVPers, the trip reports will continue to find a good home on AVP).
Once some opening day kinks are worked out, additional functions such as RSS feeds and other advanced bloggy gadgetry will be added to enhance your IMOP experience (please ignore the labels on this post; I'm simply setting up some defaults to assist the Ironmen blogging newbies). In the meantime, help yourself to some Skittles and Coronas, kick back, and enjoy the ride.